Dreams can come true

By Anonymous - 19/09/2015 02:08 - United States - Seattle

Today, I asked my girlfriend why she's been avoiding kissing me lately. Apparently she had a dream that one of my teeth caught on her braces, and all of her teeth got pulled out like a string of pearls. It seems unlikely she will be un-scarred any time soon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 681
You deserved it 1 716

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Definitely not the type of pearl necklace she's looking for ;-) Give it time... She'll get over it.

20bricks 28

Tell her to grit her teeth and get over it


sounds like a drunk dream to me. they always awesome AF or just strait up ****** up

Just tell her the tooth that it can't happen.

uuuuh you sure thats not just her excuse for doing something she wasn't suppose and trying not to pass you anything?... just saying, be careful

Dreams can mess people up. But there's just a certain point that if you cross it becomes illogical... OP'S girlfriend went way past that line

No kisses on the lips for awhile but just be careful if you have a chance...it might ease her fear

christina3466 17

One time I dreamed I was on vacation and my front teeth crumbled and fell out. Weird dental dreams FTW, I guess...

I dreamed I ate an entire jar or raw sugar by the teaspoon. Haven't been able to look at it since. Seriously though I hope she'll feel better about it all soon. Those kinds of dreams can be hard to shake.

are you sure it's not cause someone took a shit in your mouth?