Dusty Springboard

By Anonymous - 01/07/2009 04:31 - United States

Today, I left my dog alone in the house for ten minutes while I took a shower. When I got out I found a mess of dust all over the floor and her ripping up a package that was supposed to be sent to my aunt. It contained my grandmother's ashes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 868
You deserved it 7 937

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you can sweep her up and re-package them.


cucuto89 0

I'm tired of these ashes ones.... What do asheses suddenly represent every memory you ever ahd of her? no its just the remains of a body, theres nothing emotional with it unless you create something. Stop crying

YDI for making up yet another cremation FML without knowing what the hell you're talking about anyone who has ever seen real cremains knows exactly why this is fake the so called "ashes" are actually more like a pile of small pieces of bones, and are nothing like they look like in movies

BigSky 5

On the plus side, apparently your family makes delicious barbeque. ...

NoNameAtAll_fml 1

Y did u leave the package where the dog could get it?

elfuzzo 0

Got to agree with grlwitperlEring, fake. All the ashes FMLs that talk about the "powdery ashes" or "dust" are fake. Real ashes look like small bone fragments with a very small amount of dust. Without getting to graphic, the larger the bone-like fragments the duller the blade.... use imagination here. Personal experience talking here, both my mother and father were cremated. And they come from the funeral home/crematory in a plastic bag in a metal can. So unless you put them in a soft package, doubtful the dog ripped the metal can apart.