
By XxtentaculonxX - 08/12/2012 22:52 - United Kingdom - Oban

Today, I was chatting to a friend on Facebook about girls, and why we're single. We somehow ended up admitting to one another that we'd never get girlfriends, finding out that we both like hentai porn, and trading info on Japanese sex toys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 827
You deserved it 32 545

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aliciaanomalyyxo 12


go to an anime convention you'll get plenty of girls then. trust me, my friends and I go to them all the time :)

I love cons, i dislike the ratio of sweaty fat guys to attractive females though... And usually every attractive female is there with a boyfriend/girlfriend. -.- ah well at least I got to meet Jessica Nigri. lol

I see your point but at the cons I've been to nobody's out to find a partner. Sure, it can happen, but I wouldn't say you'd be more likely to pull at an anime con than anywhere else. I'd personally find it a little bit annoying if someone came onto me at an anime con since I'm there to watch the masquerade and buy cool shit. I don't want a flock of guys following me around trying it on with me. It's crowded enough already. Unless there's an after party - I suppose it's fairly likely people would get together at that since everyone's usually circulating and talking.

Word of advice, when you meet a girl, never mention the Hentai and don't let her find it. You may even have to stop for a while because it does freak a lot of people out.

CharresBarkrey 15

You should really read previous comments before you make an ignorant generalization like this. I don't enjoy hentai, but I don't give a flying **** if my boyfriend does.

161- To each their own. If your going to judge your significant other on the sexual things their into how can you expect them to be the real them? Relationships are built on trust. It's not like they're saying "the only way I get off is with the human centipede" it's hentai and toys. Makes sex more fun. Don't knock it till you try it.

saffy66 34

You won't get a gf for a few reasons. Already haven given up. Blaming your problems on things other than yourself. And for being able to admit all of that over the Internet on fb. Gtfo out of the basement. Hentai rocks, I have a girlfriend. Try getting to know someone.

itsame0987 18

At least you had a productive conversation.

winkydog4056 16

Your parents must be so proud!