
By XxtentaculonxX - 08/12/2012 22:52 - United Kingdom - Oban

Today, I was chatting to a friend on Facebook about girls, and why we're single. We somehow ended up admitting to one another that we'd never get girlfriends, finding out that we both like hentai porn, and trading info on Japanese sex toys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 827
You deserved it 32 545

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aliciaanomalyyxo 12


HyperSquirrel 8

I'm rather curious about how they went from talking about not having girlfriends to hentai ****..

I think it went the other way around, from the wording it SOUNDS like they figured they wouldn't get girlfriends because of the hentai and toy conversation. I may be mistaken.

^^i re-read the fml a bit, and my statement is incorrect. Carry on.

Has anyone seen the vidia, Cuffs And Collars? Just remember, head to feet, won't cause a leak, feet to head, we'll all wind up dead, i'll tell you what.

jem970 19

Ok... I'm 19 years old and I still have no clue what this is.... Who wants to explain this to ignorant little me?

olpally 32

Google it :) google is your friend.

jem970 19

I did... Ignorance IS bliss....

jem970 19

To bad I had my filter turned off already when this craziness hit... People should warn others!

olpally 32

I should have warned you. Lol oops. Sorry!

Protip: When (or if) you actually do land a date, don't mention your hentai **** collection.

tigerfight23 3

Meh, you can still like hentai and get a girlfriend. It's just like **** in general, just don't be an effin creeper... Or talk to anyone about it, my god. Who talks to people about **** anyway (besides jokingly). Get your shit together. -.-

Revision**Meh, you can still like hentai and get a girlfriend. It's just like **** in general, just don't be an effin creeper... And dont make it public knowledge, nobody needs to know your sexual hobbies. Be more confident, and maybe find a girl interested in anime, manga and stuff, she may be more accepting if she does find out.

jdmur 6

I love spontaneous conversations like that!

That seems like a logical turn of events!