
By XxtentaculonxX - 08/12/2012 22:52 - United Kingdom - Oban

Today, I was chatting to a friend on Facebook about girls, and why we're single. We somehow ended up admitting to one another that we'd never get girlfriends, finding out that we both like hentai porn, and trading info on Japanese sex toys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 827
You deserved it 32 545

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aliciaanomalyyxo 12


brittanyrmh_ 12

Maybe you should just date each other.

If you know for sure that you will never get a girlfriend, that is something that you should embrace, not wallow in self-pity for. I've never had a girlfriend either, but I've seen how people have been destroyed by relationship problems, and I've learned harsh lessons myself about letting romantic feelings take control of me.

now facebook is gonna send you advertising for Hentai ****

At least hentai will always be there for you.....

Life_sucks_13 6

Lol Hentai! It's ok. Maybe you and your friend should check out Yuri? That's a little triggered towards guys too. I know my guy friends love it. Honestly I don't see how this is an fml.

maddonkey 3

U have trouble getting a gf... And ur best solution is to post it on fml for others to feel sad for u as well. Bravo

missrobynxx 3

Maybe you guys should get together, no?

I know exactly what kind of person you are now. You happen to like WoW and anime?