
By XxtentaculonxX - 08/12/2012 22:52 - United Kingdom - Oban

Today, I was chatting to a friend on Facebook about girls, and why we're single. We somehow ended up admitting to one another that we'd never get girlfriends, finding out that we both like hentai porn, and trading info on Japanese sex toys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 827
You deserved it 32 545

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aliciaanomalyyxo 12


And for some reason, you can't get a girlfriend??? Mysteries of the World...

There is a phenomenon among some Japanese youth where they feel isolated and daunted by the standards they are expected to meet in society. They become NEETS (google it) that are antisocial and live off relatives, these people, obviously intimidated by members of the opposite sex, turn to Hentai and Otaku obsession to satisfy some of their urges, sometimes marrying the fictional object like it was their beloved. (Google that too, I've seen a marriage to a full body sex toy, a DS dating sim character and a love pillow cover).

NEET is a government acronym for people currently "not in education, employment, or training". http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/NEET#section_1

Well, real girls are 3DPD anyway. Don't worry, you'll find a waifu to love and care for one day OP.

hopef33110 7

aw hey my bf believed he'd never find anyone but then I found him! and were happy love can be found anywhere

hopef33110 7

I promise just be yourself there are good girls out there who won't give a damn about anyone else but u

skullofdarkness 18

Love can be found anywhere… really… first of all where did you and your bf meet, second, I don't see too many people falling in love in funeral parlors…

skyeyez9 24

I just googled "hentai ****" because I never heard of it. What. The. ****?

xplainphrox 8

Hentai ****...?!!! Seriously..???? I didn't know what it was - beyond obviously being **** - so I looked it up... Watched a 30 minute video... Def ****... But seriously...?!!! There is more realistic **** out there... You dont need cartoon ****... The whole mini clip kept me laughing ... #1 when a female cums, she doesnt squirt outside her panties... She soaks through them... #2 it's ****. Why blur out the ****** and penis...??!! Seriously. Guess you have to use your imagination there!!!! #3 the video was a joke!! Laughed the whole time... Rofl

It's illegal to show genitalia in Japan, it has to be censored. Realism in **** is irrelevant, at the end of the day it's all pixels on a screen, and you're never going to get with either, so just enjoy it and fap freely.

I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to agree... hentai is pretty hilarious to watch. Anime voice-overs are quite amusing to start with when they're played out of context, so anime **** was always bound to be funny as hell. Nobody makes noises like that. Apart from possibly the rusty fork girl a few FMLs back.

skullofdarkness 18

I'm not quite sure how this is an FML. Holy shit, two guys talking about hentai and sex toys. Gee, your life really sucks. -_-

skullofdarkness 18

Really? I ask how this is an fml and my comment is moderated? Wow…

Match made in heaven. Enjoy each other.