eBay fail

By Sad Nerd - 02/04/2014 08:20 - United States - Glendale

Today, I discovered that the laser disc player I used to have was not in fact a laser disc player but a Pioneer Laseractive. Broken ones sell on eBay for $200 and working ones sell for around $1000. I sold a working one for less than $100-worth of credit at a second-hand store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 609
You deserved it 18 461

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SerenaSerenadex3 13

You should have done your homework first OP! They rip everyone off with the trade in credit.

shivamtrivedi 24

And that is why you research before you buy or sell anything. And never trust the store workers. Those people have the darnest convincing powers.


Sounds like GameStop. That's how they get you.

Capitan 15

Don't worry I lost a diamond necklace as a kid. I KNOW the pain.. Now..

Diamond necklace?! My mom would have sold me off the streets; I'd be halfway to Mexico before I wake up from the ass beating I'd have gotten.

Where did you get it from in the first place if you didn't know what it was or cost? It's always best to research, selling to stores is a last resort.

It was probably a present originally if they didn't know what it was.

YDI, always research before you sell.

tuffykat 8

you should be able to go back to the store and cancel the sale of the item as long as you have the money to return to them. think you have 3 days legally to have seond thoughts and get your item back. i once sold some old coins then learned they were worth more i went back to the coin store and was able to get them back at the amount i sold them for.

Depends on area. In the US it's not even state law. I'm in an area where a few counties bump up against each other. The one I live in treats trading in games even for store credit the same as selling to a pawn shop. Complete with fingerprints, license scans, the works. This county is tough on pawn shops with regulations. And they were doing it to all stores, not just the main chain who did trade ins. I can drive a county over where laws are more lax and not deal with it.

I'd go back and see if you can get it back

Sometimes there is a rule with some places like this, ie, a 7day or so waiting period before they can sell the item. I suggested you look into the stores policies and see if you can get it back, minus the money they gave you

Both secondhand stores I've worked at tag the product and place it on the shelves for purchase immediately. You'll never get as much as you want from a company that wants to make a profit, so it's best to really know the value of what you're selling.

I felt a pit in my stomach after reading this. I voted FYL for losing out on a hefty chunk of cheddar, but I held back on the YDI because I think you've learned your lesson.

For $100 I'll buy it again and re-sell it after. It seems stupid but you'll still make a good deal.