Fainting time

By kindergarten teacher - 23/03/2013 13:25 - United States - Hanford

Today, I was feeling sick and fainted while teaching my kindergarten class. I came to when one boy poured a cup of water on my face. Three kids were crying into my walkie talkie, telling the office I was dead, and the rest of the class had disappeared. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 497
You deserved it 3 682

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Be thankful it wasn't a highschool class or you would have woken with penises everywhere..

Well, the ones who stuck around and tried to communicate with the office via walkie talkies sound pretty mature for their age, so kudos to them.


At least they did not try to bury or better yet cremate you.

Wow, that had to be traumatic for them.

ginger20037 5

That's one way to traumatize your students xD I can just imagine what they say when they get home... Parent: "How was school today?" Kid: "My teacher died during class!" Parent: o.O

what were you doing around a bunch of kids being sick anyway?! regardless, you must be a loved teacher, since you had children very concerned about you

wifeydearest 8

BahahahHahahahahahaahahahhahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahajahahaHAAAAAA!! That is HILARIOUS!!

j3ebrules 13

Smart and resourceful kids, especially the boy who knew to pour water on someone who faints. Well, except for the rest of your class. Poor kids are probably scarred for life though.

The one who poured water on ur face sounds like a smart little boy!

I passed out once while babysitting three children (I run a home day care, I was 6 months pregnant at the time). The three year old little girl knew to call 911, and tried several methods to wake me up, she learned how at some class because her mother is a narcoleptic. I would have never thought to teach those skills to a toddler but you really cant ever be too prepared!