Fake it til you make it

By freshman - 25/03/2011 23:05 - Canada

Today, to make my dorm neighbours think I'm popular, I blasted music and screamed at the top of my lungs so it sounded like I was having a party. My residence manager slapped me with a noise violation, and demanded to come in to make sure we weren't drinking. I had to explain why I was by myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 163
You deserved it 60 228

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maz255 10

wht does screaming have to do with being at a party? do people just scream out at random?


Only unpopular people do that way to go op.

mismonroe 0

Obviously, hence why OP was faking it.

Yes I know I am Captain Obvious. My whole purpose in life is to point out the obvious.

Miss_Jazzalyn 4

Most of the time I don't blame OP, but this time I do. Popularity sucks and is completely overrated. No-one's going to be friends with someone who's so desperate.

tweetbaby14 18

I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking this. way to go.

you could of had a real party, invited real people and that noise violation could of meant something...

you do deserve it but not for trying to sound popular. But for thinking being popular is important, oh dear oh dear.

vip3r20 8

agrees cuz it's really not that important at all

tweetbaby14 18

"not really that important"? it is less important than Charlie sheen and his antics.

Yeah, exactly. OP should have just invited dorm neighbours over.