By Anonymous - 16/08/2013 20:19 - Switzerland

Today, my elderly neighbour was having some kind of house party. It was incredibly loud, so I went and asked if he could tone it down a little. He responded by grabbing a deck chair, smacking me with it, then chasing me back to my house, all while his guests cheered him on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 808
You deserved it 7 600

Same thing different taste


friedpwnadge 25

If he decked you, then you can put him in the hot seat with a disturbance and assault charge. He'll cherish the rest of the night, trust me.

Hmmm. First comment was total shit. There's only 5 comments. I'd easily be on first page... Or! Or I could just reply to #1 and be higher than everyone else! Muahahahahaha.... Brilliant!!

There has been a lot of old people fmls lately

They have been causing a lot of trouble latley

Because we all know once you hit seventy-five, you are expected to sit in a chair all day and reminisce about your younger years. Let's face it: people don't stop living just because they hit a certain age, and they shouldn't be expected to.

jojimugo 20

Old people are running amok ... Gotta love it

Jake_Hale 7

LOL why wasn't I invited to this party?!

As much as I disagree with this comment, I think you should have decked him. Being old is no excuse to attack people. And if you do, expect that person to defend themselves. If that results in a broken hip, well you won't do that again.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

That's what I was thinking. I highly doubt the old man throws too many house parties, so why couldn't OP just let this slide? Though, there are deciding factors like if it was late, or OP had kids that were trying to sleep. It doesn't say that so my guess would be that OP just wanted to spoil the old mans fun. Shame on you, OP.

At least the party will be done by 9.

OP never said they asked for the party to stop, they simply asked for it to be toned down a bit. There's having fun, and then there's showing respect.

Thanks, now I'll have that song stuck in my head for the whole day. >.<

KinkyCurly 13

There is no age limit to having fun!

Too much noise? That's ok, we've got the perfect solution for you! Make way more noise than the noise that was too noisy and then your problem is gone for good.

skullofdarkness 18

Problem is, the old guy may be smart enough to call the cops on a noise ordinance. Just get up early tomorrow when the neighbor is hungover and now your lawn, and maybe his lawn as well! :)

Martinez0285 28

at least you didn't chase you with his colostomy bag

If he could chase himself, that'll be an accomplishment never heard of before.

Martinez0285 28

Damnit... I just saw that... I mean.. I chase myself all the time ... it happens when I think outside the box for to long

punkyboy 11

he shouldn't have party's past 8 o'clock. things get pretty crazy after 8

Ah, the irony when elderly people are complaining about our generation and our drinking habits. They're the worst.