Fake it til you make it

By tsardaukar - 01/04/2009 16:51 - United States

Today, bouncing at a local bar. I I.D.'d a girl with a group of people. I told her that next time she used a fake I.D., she at least should get one with a picture that looked like her. She started crying and ran off. A guy told me that she had been in a car wreck, and had been badly disfigured. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 615
You deserved it 72 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments


man you were just doing your job you cant know that crap

total_bamf 0

While there was no way you could've known she'd been in any sort of accident, saying something like "Next time you get a fake, try getting a picture that looks like you" is just stupid and downright rude. You could've turned her away without the snide comment, but you didn't.

total_bamf 0

#95, my college professors get irritating. My parents get irritating. The customers at work get irritating.. does that give me a right to be an ass to them, simply because I'm irritated? Absolutely not.

He did not insult her. He did nothing wrong. Saying "Next time you use a fake, at least get one that resembles you." insults NOBODY. It is not an insult. It is not rude. If the picture does not match, theres good chance it is a fake ID. He did nothing wrong and those of you saying otherwise are just being stupid and overly sensitive. Maybe the dumb bitch should have updated her freaking ID, which identifies her BASED ON THE DAMN PICTURE? She's the idiot, he did nothing wrong.

haha u probably felt like a dick but u should of just said haha april fools

Reason the bouncer couldn't see "scars" or anything like that... well, generally, as all of you with sticks up your asses wouldn't know, people go to bars at night. What happens at night kids? The sun goes down, and everything gets darker. I'm going to say that you can generally see face shape/structure, & hair color. So the girl must have had a different facial shape, which is very possible if the car crash broke her jaw and/or nose. And what the OP said wasn't insulting her appearance as much as her intelligence. Who knows, she could have been ugly before the crash, and now she's pretty. But, being a college kid, this was most likely a very clever little story.

CaptainBaconMan 0

You people are retarded. How was he supposed to know?

camisaurous 0

Not your fault. (= And I agree with #110.