False hope

By :(( - 14/06/2011 18:06 - United States

Today, I invited over my best friend, whom I've loved for over a year, since she had to tell me "something important". I got excited and thought she was going to tell me she loved me too. She ended up coming out to me, and wanted to know if I would meet her girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 984
You deserved it 6 134

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well atleast she trusts you as a friend and you know that she won't be with another guy? :)

Uh, no. There isn't. Lesbians don't like guys. They don't like dicks. Lesbians don't want to get with you. Ever.


dude that's when you tell her cuz normally they will go both ways

They will not "usually go both ways", unless she's bisexual. If she's fully lesbian she's not gonna be interested in him. Here's something I realized as a part-lesbian (I'm omnisexual): we DO like dick. We just don't like when the dick's attached to a man. Otherwise, why would we use strap-ons? :)

Flutist 3

lesbian and bisexual are two vastly different things.

0opsie 6

93 - Isn't omnisexuality/pansexuality the one where gender and sex is irrelevant to your sexual attraction towards others? But you're saying that in your case it *would* matter if it was a guy and you wouldn't have sex with him? Please don't think I'm trying to be argumentative or correct you, I'm just genuinely confused. Anyone can correct me if I'm wrong.

Kylias 6

If 93 says she's omni and doesn't like men, I don't think 93 knows what omni is. So declares a proud omni/pan. :P

I'm not sure if omni and pansexual are the same thing. I'm pansexual and I am a top when it comes to men. strapons definitely essential. but I won't say I don't like the men who come with dicks, some of them are really pretty to look at. I dunno.

Flutist 3

Pansexuality (omnisexuality or polisexuality) are gender-blind. Gender and sex are insignificant or irrelevant in determining whether they will be sexually attracted to others. The Oxford English Dictionary writes that pansexuality "encompasses all kinds of sexuality; not limited or inhibited in sexual choice with regards to gender or activity."[5] Pansexuality can also mean the attraction to a person's personality, rather than their physical appearance or gender. Bisexuality is sexual behavior or an orientation involving physical and/or romantic attraction to both males and females. Lesbian: sexual and romantic desire between females. There, its defined.

Kylias 6

198's got it down. Pan means you don't mind what's in somebody's pants. :P To quote an age-old post from amirite.net: "Pansexuality - Sticking your hands down someones pants and being happy with whatever you find, amirite?"

You've loved her a whole year? And haven't told her yet? Please tell me you're in high school or something, because this shit don't fly once you're older. Shall we break it down? First off, if you develop feelings for someone, don't wait around for them to confess theirs towards you. It rarely happens. You have to man up and ask them out right away before you get friend-zoned. Second, this isn't love. Love is something two people build together, not some one-sided feeling that comes out of the blue. That would be infatuation. So you were infatuated with her for a year and didn't have the guts to make a move. In your case, she would've rejected you and you could've moved on with your life. With that said, YDI. Hopefully next time you get a crush on someone you make a move before you develop a friendship that can be ruined because you couldn't make your intentions clear.

People need to stop with these threesome ideas... lesbians. don't. like. dick. Got it?? (:

stevenlesage 0

OP now it's your turn to come out to her, find yourself a boyfriend

brbgirl 0
Qwerttasm 2

Ouch... This situation sucks...I had it happen to me at the "tender age" of 13...except my lesbian best friend/crush died telling me that she loved me. Still going to counselling.

Qwerttasm 2

Ouch... This situation sucks...I had it happen to me at the "tender age" of 13...except my lesbian best friend/crush died telling me that she loved me. Still going to counselling.