False hope

By :(( - 14/06/2011 18:06 - United States

Today, I invited over my best friend, whom I've loved for over a year, since she had to tell me "something important". I got excited and thought she was going to tell me she loved me too. She ended up coming out to me, and wanted to know if I would meet her girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 984
You deserved it 6 134

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well atleast she trusts you as a friend and you know that she won't be with another guy? :)

Uh, no. There isn't. Lesbians don't like guys. They don't like dicks. Lesbians don't want to get with you. Ever.


if I'm not mistaken.. your best friend is a lesbian now?? you should told her before sometimes it's better have a life of all wells then what ifs (^_^)☆


looks like you did something wrong or didnt have what it takes lol

MrRebel 0
candycane101 0
SorrowFull 8

this sounds like the plot line of a bad movie "Death By Friend Zone"

I'm so tired of all you lame ***** who loves someone for a hell of a long time and as soon as they have something important to say you weigh all your hopes on them to say that they love you. A real fml would be if you told her all your feelings and then she came out to you. Sorry to say it op but YDI

that's not bad at all. doesn't change anything. she's still your best friend :D

FYL op. Reminds me of a weezer song, Pink Triangle.