Family, family, family…

By mylifesucks - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - France

Today, I had to drive all the way across town to clean my grandfather's toilet for him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 384
You deserved it 5 373

Top comments

sexirene 0

dude get over it and stop complaining,I'm sure If he could clean it himself he would. you should be happy you still have a grandad.

Mk well, God Forbid & all but that guy's going to die one day .. You'll be happy you helped him, after .. Chin up.


Meegggaaann 0

You played with the old mans plunger?

tell home to clean his own damn toilet. lol

cbr600_fml 0

haha oh man Op ur life does suck

bubbarific 0

in Soviet Russia, toilet clean you!

so u went across town to plunge ur rod into the hole but u didn't hav fun?

Stefany713 0

what's up with all these guys getting tattoos?

31- I love that pic for some reason.

You shoul respect your grandfather if it weren't for him you wouldn't be here

W3BD3V 0

feel fortunate that you can accomplish a simple task like cleaning a toilet all on your own. I bet later in life you'll be like "FML, I can't even put my underwear on by myself".

pepper3434 0

#39, I think having to clean his toilet was a bit too far.

Sorry I'm feeling an epic horatio caine joke right here "So you're saying that this shit... *puts on sunglasses* Is getting old?" YYYEEEAAAHHH!

mesnugglez 0

Okay and? Stop complaining, he is your grandpa after all so stop being a lazy jerk.

dickster 0

y do ppl with tatoos always go for new and mainly grotesque designs in various places? and @15- shave ur ass omg!! u could make a ****** sweater out of all that hair! it scares me when I browse through comments.

Raleigh_bruh 7

#66 - You sir/mam, have no idea how hard I laughed at your comment. Also, what's grotesque to you may be unique to someone else.

I found ATL's pic somewhere else on the Internet and the guy said he found his on google so I'm questioning if his tattoo is real..the other guy's, idk.

No 23, in china, toilet cleans you, ahahaha.

I would love to know what you have to say on here to have your 'Comment Moderated' the other guy, I meant the other fml dude with a tattoo...

MissRachieee 3
Felendris 0

oh no! a whole few hours wasted with the guy who won't be around much longer! your whole life is totally ****** now!!

Well hes your grandpa thoee. what if he tried to plunge it and broke his cocksis or some old person bone haha

TheEricCartman 0

If my grandpa ever made me drive across town to clean his toilet, I'd be like, "Aey! You better not make me drive across town to clean your toilet, or I'll kick you square in the nuts!"

TrollHunter 0

I'll shove my **** so far up your ass you have to remove the fake picture on your fml account and stop pretending to be a girl

yogurtwizzard 0
kellanlvr 1
BrownSugar_fml 5

#106 I effing loved your comment hahahahaha

pingpongpickle 8

I think he needs to be sent to a nursing home where people are paid to do that stuff. unless he was just lazy....then, fyl

vergaso 0

ATP chris the pic u shaved ALL you pubic hair? lame.....

no, you pound sand up the eye of YOUR ****! Calm down?! YOU CALM DOWN!!

stewpididiot 11
TheEricCartman 0

136- It's because I'm awesome, nya nya I win.

jill_m 3

nice tattoo and chest ;) ^^^

CableX17 0

@66-Holy $hit I always thought that was an arm!!!! that's not a pimple, it's a nipple!!! ZOMG!!!!!!

shhhitsasecret 0

at first glance I thought the FML said to flush instead of to clean. lol.

1 girl, 1 toilet? :P oh yuckers, silly me 

haha this is too funny. your grandpa has other people do his dirty work for him.

I mean cmon it was your grandpa it's a food thing to help old ppl :)

ArtIsResistance7 1

This reminds me of that Steely Dan song... "I'm a fool to do your dirty work, oh yeah."

that was sweet you helped(: this shouldn't be an fml though...I'm pretty sure you had the choice to clean it. just be happy u helped(:

pinkrangerx3 0

aww i agree. that's really nice of you to go clean his toilet (^_^)

I don't get it....he's in capable of cleaning his toilet? But he lives by himself? I think you got owned.

perdix 29

Did he leave some presents in there for you? You should be happy the old dude can still make it to the toilet. Pretty soon, you'll have to drive across town just to change his soiled diaper.

BubbaCatLove 0

Grow some balls, OP. Or just grow up in general. You act like you've never even cleaned your OWN toilet. That's pathetic. Like I said, GROW UP.