Feline stalker

By cat.imakittycat. - 07/04/2015 07:14 - New Zealand - New Plymouth

Today, I was outside with my two new kittens. A woman came rushing over, saying how glad she was that they were outside. She then started complaining that she had only been able to see them through the windows previously. I have no idea who she is or where she lives. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 174
You deserved it 2 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Sounds like the one woman who posted a video on a dating site and started crying because she was thinking about cats... and that she REALLY likes cats...

Ha that was fake I think - she was acting :)

I love cats, I love every kind of cat. I just want to hug all of them, but I can't can't hug every cat.

time to keep them in and lock the doors and windows. wouldn't suprise me if she tries to take them from you. be careful!

I guess you could say this is cat-astrophic...

chidofrito 11

From her car window, as she watches you.. slowly and meticulously planning every step of your demise.

I have two cats that will approach anyone and let them pet them. I constantly hear how people walk past my house just to pet my friendly cats. I've seen a woman outside my window lying in my grass with my two cats surrounding her.

Ladies and gentlemen please meet the one and only kitten stalker. That must have been an awkward situation for you OP.

middlenamefrank 8

Oh, relax. Kittens are adorable and love to sit on window sills and look out. Who wouldn't notice them?

maybe she's your behind-your-house neighbor if you have one? I had a similarly creepy person say something like that and it turned out our backyards face each other. this is still creepy though.