Fierce kitty

By Anonymous - 25/03/2016 17:05 - United States - Miami

Today, I'm in training at an animal shelter. There's an adorable tiny kitten there, which my boss said not to touch because it's feral. "No way he's dangerous!" I said, reaching into the cage to pet it. It struck like a cobra and tore up my arm. My first on-the-job injury is from a KITTEN. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 240
You deserved it 31 744

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pretty obvious ydi here tbh Listen to the boss next time

abraybro 27


deathstroke990 22

I'd say you deserve that. Feral cats are not the same as a house cat. My arm got attacked by a cat on my first day at a cat shelter, and it was a tame, domestic cat that wasn't supposed to be dangerous. It turns out he was just very territorial about his things and had to be removed first, with a towel, before everything could be cleaned out. But this was a house cat. I can't imagine why you would just go around touching feral cats, especially after being told specifically not to. And kittens tend to scratch anyway. They don't really know when to not use their claws yet.

I do, but the cats on my street are just strays, not completely feral, and I let the cats come to me instead of forcing them to interact.

I do the same. Cats are difficult to deal with in any situation. Dogs usually give clear signs if they don't want anything to do with you, if you want to do anything with a cat, especially if it's a stray or potentially feral, then you need to let them approach, and keep your eyes glued to them so they won't catch you by surprise. Feral cats can be as bad as raccoons if they get ahold of you.

Maybe now you've figured out what TRAINING is for. They teach you things, you listen because you're there to learn. You keep showing you don't listen, they'll look for a new trainee who does.

Make sure you disinfect, cat bites are notorious for infections due to the deep puncture wounds. And apply anti scar cream every day, unless you want to explain to any future employers why it looks like a blender attacked your arm.

Waiting for the first idiot to say "and this is why I prefer dogs."

I think I speak for everyone when I say, 'What?'

Nothing like an awkward post in hexadecimal to throw everyone for a loop

Could be worse OP! Just be thankful, that it didn't cause any permanent damage..

You got what you deserved. Your boss told you not to touch the kitten and you did now you got hurt. Followers directions next time. Hope your ok?

I agree, YDI. Ive worked with people who dont listen and its fustrating. Yea kittens are cute, but when people, especially ones who are training you, tell you something, listen to them. You now have an arm thats scratched to shit and could get infected cause you were told not to do something...

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That's not a millenial thing, just s young people in general thing. Every generation has had that said to them.

brocho 26

I actually don't understand why this is getting down voted. Sure, it's more of a young person thing than a millennial thing, but at this point in time most young people are millennials. And yes, young people do have a tendency to think they know everything and have the answers to everything and that their elders don't know shit. And boy are they wrong. I know I'm young too, but I actually listen to people more experienced than myself.