Fierce kitty

By Anonymous - 25/03/2016 17:05 - United States - Miami

Today, I'm in training at an animal shelter. There's an adorable tiny kitten there, which my boss said not to touch because it's feral. "No way he's dangerous!" I said, reaching into the cage to pet it. It struck like a cobra and tore up my arm. My first on-the-job injury is from a KITTEN. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 240
You deserved it 31 744

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pretty obvious ydi here tbh Listen to the boss next time

abraybro 27


Insubordination, arrogance and idiocy that results in personal injury; it's definitely a story from Florida. Way to keep reinforcing the stereotype of the state! For your next trick are you going to stick your head in an adult alligators mouth? I've heard you shouldn't do that. So I suspect it will be the very next thing you do!

Ignoring a warning is hardly insubordination...

fangirlofthings 21

Actually he was expressly told not to mess with that animal. His response was to ignore what he was told and shove his hand in the cage. This is insubordination plain and simple.

Actually, 57, that's literally the definition of insubordination. "Refusal to obey orders". Ignoring your boss is definitely flat out refusing to obey. So yes, it is 100% insubordination.

Should have listened to your boss man

I hope you learned your lesson that looks can be deceiving. Our twin cats were adopted by us when they were 7 weeks and the female was feral. That was 9 years ago and I still have scars from her when she was a kitten.

You should have listened, you gigantic retard. You deserve it all the way.

Wow. That kind of thinking is how people win Darwin Awards.

ea247 20
blueyekai 17

*Australian Accent* Today, we stalk the deadly kitten in its natural habitat

Yeah ferrels are something you don't want to mess with. They don't trust humans much and it would take time if he's rehabilitated. Strays will trust you more, but I do hope you and the kitten work things out one day :)

Ahhh the cute eyes got you. Made me think of Shrek "Pray for mercy, from Puss! In boots" - except he clearly was not wearing boots. Sorry, ydi, you were warned.

Maybe you should remember that you're the one in training and they're the one giving instructions. I hope you get fired if you're so incompetent around animals, before you hurt someone besides yourself.