Fight me, loser

By mrmidi - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I learned two important facts: #1 - A grown man can, in fact, get beaten up by a teenage girl, and #2 - If someone is convinced you are someone else, there is no telling them otherwise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 811
You deserved it 4 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments


where you in a wheelchair??? you have both hands and legs?? you sure?? you mind checking?? well don't bother... Nothing you can do wil help your case here.. FYL to the cube dude!! AH i see.. Op is actually a midget!!

TaterSalad187 5

shhhh! you just exposed my secret power to everyone DX

AlterEggo 0

I gotta admit I believe women can be as deserving of a punch in the face as a man can. If she can start a fight, she can take a fight. Society has a double standard on personal rights, when it comes to women. I refuse to uphold society's flawed views.

TaterSalad187 5

i somewhat agree with you 30. however, you must remember that men are naturally built stronger than women so you must only use reasonable force when dealing with those kinds of situations which is why i say just restrain them to minimize the violence.

allanCapaldi 5

lol she probly thought op were her father or something... lol @ 27

yourlifesfucked 0

ha i love the wording. that sucks dude. press charges on that bitch for assault.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you didn't attempt to fight back or waited too long, leading to you getting your ass kicked. Male or Female someone starts hitting you, first you hit back, second you yell "WTF?!?", third if they don't stop keep hitting 'them til they do.