Final touch

By rydawg79 - 30/08/2009 06:29 - United States

Today, I finished moving out of my apartment and decided to clean the fridge before I left. I pulled out a drawer that I never used and was shocked to find a moldy, rotten, decayed watermelon. I remembered that I had bought a watermelon the first week I moved into the apartment. Four years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 069
You deserved it 64 848

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thats nasty, how could you not notice that for 4 years?

boobaloo_fml 0

wtf man? u shouldn't keep watermelons in drawers, it's bloody common sense....


chowyuk 0

ydi you filthy person. really? your wording "decided to clean my fridge" like that's not something you should do before you move. Another for obviously not cleaning your fridge the whole time you lived there so you would have noticed. you must me a really disgusting person or this is really fake

screwtaylor 0

Sounds delicious. The OP should eat the watermellon so it can bring back memories.. and food poisoning.


disgusting.. in four years, you only cleaned out the fridge now? or do you just intentionally leave that drawer alone?

It's alright, OP. The watermelon lived a long life 

loveurlifeJK 5
tfiggs 0

I mean, okay, it's bad enough that you left that there for four years... but what really gets me is "and decided to clean the fridge before I left." Well, I would HOPE so. That sounds like you think you were doing your landlord a favor. I mean, honestly... you should be cleaning everything before you leave. Especially since you leave fruit in your fridge for four years.