Final touch

By rydawg79 - 30/08/2009 06:29 - United States

Today, I finished moving out of my apartment and decided to clean the fridge before I left. I pulled out a drawer that I never used and was shocked to find a moldy, rotten, decayed watermelon. I remembered that I had bought a watermelon the first week I moved into the apartment. Four years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 069
You deserved it 64 848

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thats nasty, how could you not notice that for 4 years?

boobaloo_fml 0

wtf man? u shouldn't keep watermelons in drawers, it's bloody common sense....


I don't get it . . . FYL because you can't eat the watermelon?

the_stereotype 0

first the guy with his jacuzzi and now you? why doesn't anyone just clean every once in a while. it's not a bad thing.

fetusjuice 0

Obama thinks your wasteful.

singingirllie88 0
Skullcrusher 5

if you were in the army your name would be Major Nastyass!

dELiA14 0
lifeislife_fml 0

Shouldn't the watermelon have burst already? We bought a watermelon once that was either already rotten or rotted within 3 weeks in the house, and it split by itself, spilled water/melon guts all over the floor, and smelled like crap.

OK this is FAKE people! After 4 years ANYTHING would be unrecognizable!!!! It would definitely be past stinking And it would be just a dried and sticky mess. There would be mold on it, but it would be totally unrecognizable.....who even remembers what they put in their fridge 4 years ago??? FAKE FAKE FAKE!!!!!!!!!

JohnwastheCute1 0

Ok this is almost as good as the time my step-mom decided to make two turkeys for Christmas and only ate one. The reason? She forgot the other one was in the second oven (which she had already turned off, and only uses for holidays when she has to cook a ton of food) and didn't realize it was still there until Easter. That was fun.