Final touch

By rydawg79 - 30/08/2009 06:29 - United States

Today, I finished moving out of my apartment and decided to clean the fridge before I left. I pulled out a drawer that I never used and was shocked to find a moldy, rotten, decayed watermelon. I remembered that I had bought a watermelon the first week I moved into the apartment. Four years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 069
You deserved it 64 848

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thats nasty, how could you not notice that for 4 years?

boobaloo_fml 0

wtf man? u shouldn't keep watermelons in drawers, it's bloody common sense....


Ahaha, and I thought my apartment was disgusting

moonlight_daze 8

"Spike"? Like spiking a cup of orange juice with vodka? I think you meant "spark" a debate not "spike" a debate.

This is not an FML, you are just incredibly stupid.

i_will_eat_you 0

Okay when I read this the first thing i thought was Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww..... Would of been worse if you realized that after you took a big bite.

OP, i hope you didn't breathe in too much of it cause those fumes are actually dangerous.

OK, do NOT ever put stuff into such drawers again if you're not about to use it soon!!! Be happy oneo f your visitors (when they came) found it!

give it to a scientific lab, maybe it contains the cure for cancer.

LMFAO! That's so gross... But how do you not eat a watermelon soon after you get it? Watermelon rules!