Final touch

By rydawg79 - 30/08/2009 06:29 - United States

Today, I finished moving out of my apartment and decided to clean the fridge before I left. I pulled out a drawer that I never used and was shocked to find a moldy, rotten, decayed watermelon. I remembered that I had bought a watermelon the first week I moved into the apartment. Four years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 069
You deserved it 64 848

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thats nasty, how could you not notice that for 4 years?

boobaloo_fml 0

wtf man? u shouldn't keep watermelons in drawers, it's bloody common sense....


I totally sympathize. I'm getting ready for a move and recently found months-old broccoli!

XxDonttrustmexX 0

I don't Really see how Your life is F ' ed .. Maybe The WaterMelons is..

FAKE. A watermelon is huge. You would have noticed. It would stink.

bahahahahahaha. too funny. I almost died laughing. I need to stop reading these in church.

This has to be fake. How could you not smell a rotten watermelon? Also, I'm pretty sure a watermelon would be pretty far past mouldy if it had been in the fridge for 4 years.

I'm pretty sure the fruit might go unnoticed but not the bugs.

fretforyerlatte 0

you really never cleaned your fridge in four years?? you're lucky you haven't been terribly sick. kim & aggie would whup your ass for that.

Ewww so nasty. How did you not notice the smell?????

mushrooms_fml 0

I am sure u would not have 4gotten about it if u were black!!!!!!!!!! And that is disgusting!!!!!!!!!!

triplethreat13 0

i love how FMLs spike cyber fights between commentors. this one is quite disgusting