First date from hell

By lizzardbreath - 31/03/2009 10:44 - United States

Today, I went on a first date with a guy I don't know very well. He told me to dress in formal attire, so I assumed he was taking me to a nice dinner. He took me to his brother's wedding, and introduced me as "The One" to his entire family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 115 876
You deserved it 7 944

Same thing different taste

Top comments

420hiadventurer 0

Well, at least he didn't take you to HIS wedding.

aego56 0

Jesus he's crazy... Run away! And aside from it being uber forward/creepy, it's also a dickish move - A date takes only a little bit of your time... weddings can eat up a whole day!


paulnc24 1

Well... look on the bright side, he likes you! lol

sevbaby 0


Maybe he knows something you don't know?

colintabulous 0

He's probably covering that he's gay

mizu22 0

maybe he meant it as the one he''s been telling them about for a while??

Bl00dyAphrodite 0

What a creep! Stay away from him!

well now that would be awkward LOL you shoulda got really drunk and then sung karioke naked and hit on his dad...and his mum, then tell him that you do this ALLLL the time at parties and he should really get used to it LOL yeeeeah that really woulda sucked, unlucky ey!

nwwrestler103 0

if u can't have fun at a wedding anyway, then ur the one with the problem

GreenChemicalBoy 0

Did you know that in the state of Texas, if you introduce someone as your husband and/or wife three times, then you are legally married? Luckily you don't live in Texas. That was incredibly awkward.

were the **** did u hear that bullshit you ******* moron. i live in Texas and you're just another ignorant moron that has no clue wtf you're talking about.