First date going well
By johnfrank - 26/03/2009 17:11 - United States
By johnfrank - 26/03/2009 17:11 - United States
By amilia - 07/11/2018 12:00
By George - 17/09/2023 14:00
By Anonymous - 05/11/2012 19:21 - United Kingdom
By well okay then - 20/05/2013 16:02 - Canada - Calgary
By Anonycunt - 27/07/2013 16:30 - Germany - Bonn
By tomtomcutiepoof - 13/03/2009 00:38 - United States
By sarahh38 - 16/09/2009 18:23 - Canada
By not even getting any of her shrimp - 11/02/2014 21:50 - United States - Draper
By Anonymous - 06/01/2010 01:10 - United States
By Krissy - 12/10/2024 14:00 - United States - Fort Wayne
Dude, it's the first date.
Why would you say that, One, it was first date, Two, it was a SET UP date... you deserved it, you bell end :s
You should have just mentioned in passing that you were allergic to shrimp! for example, "haha thats kinda funny you got that, as im actually allergic to shrimp. But go ahead if you want it" and then just kinda laugh as if you didnt have anything planned at all. If SHE wanted to kiss YOU later, she would have thought about it IN HER HEAD and made the decision whether or not she wanted to tell the waiter "umm... actually can i switch my order to *this*?" Also, if you said it MY WAY, she would A) have thought of you as a gentlemen and not being forward, B) that you considered her interests as much as yours which girls like, and also C) that you weren't THAT into her! that always makes a girl want a guy more, when hes a challenge! =) =============== for your dumb response, I say: Both "you deserved it" AND "your life is f*cked". Maybe if you learn from me and this mistake, you can avoid both categories next time, big guy
U did that 2 ur self dude....that line was whack....sorry
This is a really tough situation, however, I'm going to admit! On the one hand, you weren't REALLY (in your HEART) being narcissistic, because 90% of the time, people DO end up kissing on the first date, you didn't really have time to phrase the words just right, you were the one allergic to the shrimp so really it's a sucky thing for you, if you didn't tell her and she did wanna kiss you and tried you could end up convulsing into shock and maybe even dying if she didn't call an ambulance (IF it was a serious allergy), etc. etc. So yeah, it's a really tough situation where you weren't IN YOUR HEART being narcissistic... just looking out for the general best interests of you both (would she WANT you to get hurt from allergic reaction?!?), and you happened to phrase it really badly and stupidly, where it came off sounding selfish. ============= With that said, unfortunately for us men, that's no excuse! It may offend some people, but at their heart women know it- they're tough, and if men are selfish or can't keep up, or if the women sense weakness or something they don't like, they will sniff it out and kill it (and you)! They can be as sweet as sugar, but as vicious as a rabid arctic dog at times!! When they get in this mode, they sometimes become vindictive and hateful, and oftenwant nothing less than to embarrass you, humiliate you, desecrate you, (all of this publicly, of course) and then leave you with your jaw slack! So you would do well to NOT bug them or push this button, lest you see this side of them! Women are not to be trifled with.
I don't understand the comments saying you're rude, a little flirting never hurt. But OUCH, man, that was cold. If a guy said that to me i'd change my order, at the very least to be polite.
You totally deserved it. I would have done the same in her place. "In case I want to kiss you later"? Seriously? I wouldn't set things by your judgement. It's a blind date. Perhaps she wanted to get to know you better or just doesn't kiss on first dates. Or, like me, just came out thinking you were a dick.
That was a douchebag move on her end, but you kinda deserved it with that awful line.
thats a bit forward for a first date, don't you think?
It's the guys fault. "In case I want to kiss you later." Way to come off as a Jerk.