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First impressions

By I think its dead - 15/01/2013 07:33 - Canada - Brandon

Today, I met my girlfriend's parents for the first time. In the entrance way I felt a slight tugging on my jeans. Used to my Doberman tugging when he wants to play, I shoved hard with my foot. I successfully punted their Chihuahua off the ground and into the next room where it landed with a thud. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 962
You deserved it 41 462

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sir you have a neck. Looking down isn't illegal

Good first impression! Especially on the dog!


I have this hilarious mental image... Can't stop laughing. Lol!! 6 points! I hope the dog was ok.

jcorr_13 0

you kicked a small dog that tugged on your jeans, usually I tell the dog to go away not punt it across the ******* house.

that is totally something I would do, since I have a big dog myself. I laughed so hard upon reading this. I hope the dog is alright :P

Call me cautious, but if a "hard shove" is your idea of telling your dog you don't wanna play, you shouldn't own a dog. I have a small dog, a Papillon, and I've also handled dogs as big as a Great Dane and I would NEVER shove/push/hit a dog in a hard or aggressive manner to get a message across like that. It seems cruel. A small pat or pull should be sufficient to get your dog to leave you alone. You definitely deserved that one. And a shove and a kick are two totally different things. Accidents happen, but that wasn't an accident. That was being lazy and careless and the chihuahua suffered from it. Shame on you OP.

That's when you give an innocent look, a slight shrug, say oopsie and slowly back out of the door. Once outside, run for dear life and never look back.

fuckisright 5

Wow. You're ******* dumb. You're too lazy to look down, and an innocent animal gets hurt. Shame on you. ******* idiot.

I cannot believe the entrance into the family you made!!!! Epic is understating it my lad!

countappa 2

Somehow this doesn't seem like a real FML. Maybe it's just cause it reeks of stupid.