
By james88 - 07/01/2013 21:39 - United States - Altoona

Today, in an elaborate plan to finally meet my cute neighbor, I convinced my friendly mailman to switch up our mail so I'd have an excuse to meet her. After I delivered her mail, I waited for her to mention that she had my mail, but she never did. I even saw her take it out of her mail box. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 558
You deserved it 37 790

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She probably just hadn't looked at the mail yet. I really doubt she wants to steal your bills.

OhMinty 5

Lol im surprised the mailman listened to you.


You could have simply asked "do you have any of my mail by chance as I did not receive it and I got yours" or something along those lines. Another way to do this would have been just to grow some balls and talk to her.

Trying to live out "seeking a friend for the end of the world"

If this is true, you asked for it. Mailman shouldn't have done it either because it's illegal.

Maybe your 'friendly' mailman decided (quite rightly) that it'd be funny to tell her what you'd gotten him to do, to see what happened. If that isn't the case, next time why not try going over and just introducing yourself? "Hi, I'm ____, I just thought it a little strange that we're neighbours and still don't know each other, so I thought I'd introduce myself :)". Not that hard is it? No more awkward than "Oh hi, you have my mail".

prettydummy 12

now youll have to go through her trash to see if its there good luck with that :/

Agreed! Props to the guy for being creative. Don't most girls complain that guys aren't creative enough?

The best laid plans of mice and men....

Was your paycheck in the mail? If so she is a gold digger.

mom said that dont speak with stranger ,it's dangerous. look at you, kind of badboy