Forever solo

By xoxo96 - 03/05/2009 20:09 - United States

Today, I went to a Bat Mitzvah. We played a game where all of the girls grabbed one of their shoes and placed it in the middle. Then, all of the guys had to pick a shoe. Whatever guy picked the shoe, the girl had to dance with. No one picked my shoe. Everyone else was dancing except for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 445
You deserved it 5 108

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you're sad because no one liked your shoes?

If everyone else was dancing, then there was no one left to pick up your shoe, right?


sawwyyy.. tht must suckk!! but seriously, thats coincidental... lol. YDI for posting this...

Well, maybe you have ugly shoes? Idk. Don't worry about it too much... And, you could have always asked someone to dance?

Just leave the shoe there in the dance floor for all the dancing couples to trip over.

haha, serves you right for supporting a jew

The_9th_Doctor 18