Forget me not

By ohgodwhyfml - 28/11/2015 14:32 - United States - Danbury

Today, a girl I'd been talking to all night actually wanted to come home with me. Stopped to buy condoms. Got home, clothes came off, took out a condom. "Sorry, I'm allergic to latex". She left in a cab. I'm a 27-year old virgin for another night and now have a box of condoms to remind me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 069
You deserved it 3 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

danceinconverse 25

At least you're not a 27 year old baby daddy or a 27 year old with an STD.

They'll protect you from pregnancy and diseases, but one thing condoms cannot protect are your feelings. :'(


You can probably ignore 100% of this OP. I'm sorry 16, but have unprotected sex with strangers? All virgins come on the first stroke? Nope.

Although her timing makes her latex allergy sound very dubious, there's a myriad of reasons someone might want to back out of sex at the last minute and they're not all to do with you, don't let it knock your confidence, you'll get your chance!

Always buy latex free condoms for that reasoning but I believe that had nothing to do with it

I'm not trying to be mean, but, could she have had "buyer's remorse"? Maybe just wanted to get out gracefully.

it could be noble if it was the path you chose. Maybe you will find a wife who is as well and you will celebrate that with each other! As God intended!

You should've put it in without a condom and then pull out

All I can is wow. Seems like she did that on purpose.

There is nothing wrong with being a virgin at all. Don't worry about it. I may be old fashioned but stay a virgin til you get married. No worries of STD's or other kids

That's great if that's the option you choose, but it doesn't sound like that's what OP wants to do. Some people just want casual, no strings attached, sex.

At 27 years of age, I doubt the OP needs someone to tell him whether or not he should be having sex yet. Hopefully he's old enough to decide this one for himself!

Badkarma4u 17

She bailed on you dude. Girls that are alergic to latex let you know ahead of time and take interest in the condoms you buy.