
By MLeguillon - 01/09/2014 04:34 - United States - Imperial

Today, after years of wonderful flying experiences, I boarded a flight and took my seat only to find a baby sitting in front of me, behind me, and to the right of me, and across the aisle from me. All of whom decided to cry in unison. It was a 9-hour flight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 616
You deserved it 4 246

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#1 edited his/her comment. It was "well at least you got over your fear!" Just so i don't seem dumb with my comment..


Maybe you could have asked to move sears if others were available. At least it would help a little.

FOUR whining little brats? In unison? All right next to each other?? You speak for yourself, because that is isn't likely to happen.

The babies on the plane all crapped their pants, all flight loooong

MrBoredomioo 18

The OP on the plane goes SHUT THE **** UP! all flight loooong

Could be worse, at least you made it to your destination safe and sound, unlike a number of planes in recent history.

Noise cancelling headphones will become your best friend

What the **** for? They are the ones being degenerate scum.

Didn't you offer to change seats with anyone?

I'd totally swap seats with someone in between four crying babies

Most airlines wont let you change seats, so if there is an accident they know which body is which person. God that was morbid...

Look at it this way - you got all the baby-tolerating you owe the flight gods over with in one flight.