
By MLeguillon - 01/09/2014 04:34 - United States - Imperial

Today, after years of wonderful flying experiences, I boarded a flight and took my seat only to find a baby sitting in front of me, behind me, and to the right of me, and across the aisle from me. All of whom decided to cry in unison. It was a 9-hour flight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 616
You deserved it 4 246

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#1 edited his/her comment. It was "well at least you got over your fear!" Just so i don't seem dumb with my comment..


katydid91 31

I try to pack some Benedryl for times like these when I'm traveling. Worst case scenario is that you take a little too much and turn into Rip Van Winkle.

Just think about all the other people around you that had to suffer from the whining as well.

You had a good run OP- the odds were not in your favor.

And that's why babies should be allowed to fly

Sisonduty 8

I had experience that once, It's a miracle how I slept through it all, though it was only a 4 hrs flight

Several years ago, Air Canada had a April Fool's joke where they offered baby-free flights for an extra charge. People without babies loved the idea, people with babies seemed to think it was a violation of their Charter Rights and Freedoms or something. Me, I'd pay an extra 20 bucks to be guaranteed no old people or babies. Too bad it wasn't real. :(

$20? Psssh, I'll raise you $50, maybe $100! I don't understand why parents complain about the very idea of family-only seating on planes, considering they also complain about childfree travelers' complaints about their loud spawn. Really, everybody wins!

whale_itsme 7

Call the Pope, the devil was there!