
By MLeguillon - 01/09/2014 04:34 - United States - Imperial

Today, after years of wonderful flying experiences, I boarded a flight and took my seat only to find a baby sitting in front of me, behind me, and to the right of me, and across the aisle from me. All of whom decided to cry in unison. It was a 9-hour flight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 616
You deserved it 4 246

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#1 edited his/her comment. It was "well at least you got over your fear!" Just so i don't seem dumb with my comment..


kids in can write film story..and I think it works very well... sorry OP..just imagine what those kids parents are dealing with...

If you feel like you're in an uncomfortable spot, you can ask for a seat change. With that many babies (whose parents all should've considered others and the discomfort babies feel with the same air pressure), you had the right to ask

juturnaamo 29

Have you flown recently? Every flight I've been on in the last few years, with the exception of international flights) has been overbooked, with requests that some travelers fly later in exchange for credit.

Every flight I've been on in the past few years has been underbooked with several empty seats. I flew to Casablanca and then to Marakesh, both flighta were pretty much empty except for my college group. The staff also get very unprofessional when it's empty ;)

#102 the ;) at the end of your comment made it sound like the staff gets sexual.

Babies... In... Surround sound...!!! Maybe they were trying to start a barbershop quartet?

"We have three infants. If one cries, the other two do two. How can we place them to cause the least disturbance? Hmm... This gentleman has 9 years of experience. He should be able to last for 9 hours."

word for word #8's comment, why copy and paste comments?

I can picture the OP flipping out and says: "Enough is enough! I have had it with these motherfuckin' babies on this motherfuckin' plane!"

I was looking for that comment. Thanks for not disappointing :)

at least you didn't have diarrhea as well

CrazyOvrMustangs 10

Oh, how terrible. Babies exist and they are in public places such as malls, restaurants, and gasp! Even planes. Get over yourself. If and when you become a parent you'll understand from the other side.

Actually, my loathing of babies and their horrible catalogue of noises and smells is precisely why I stay on birth control, and I suspect OP will soon be right next to me in the doctor's office, begging for permanent sterilization.

They may exist, but they're still annoying as **** when you have to listen to them for 9 hours, so **** you ****!

I have 3 kids. Babies are annoying, especially so when they aren't yours. I love kids, but let's face it, babies don't really do anything interesting. It's amazing watching them grow, but for almost the first year of their life, all they do is annoy people and create waste.

So let's see YOU deal with that then! Yeah, they exist and they cry, but gasp! It doesn't mean you want to deal with that many crying babies for that long.