
By paranoid - 06/06/2009 04:43 - United States

Today, I was walking on a path through a park by myself. I glanced at the ground and saw a shadow behind me. Thinking of an attacker, I screamed as loud as I could and began flailing my arms to ward him off. Turns out, it was a jogger. He had to stop due to his uncontrollable laughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 691
You deserved it 55 066

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What the hell is with all the paranoid women? If theres a shadow behind you it doesnt automatically mean that youre about to get raped.

Who the hell waves their arms to ward off an attacker? Are you dealing with a raccoon or a mugger here?


#48 I find it funny that you jumped straight to him being a rapist to...I dunno.. A COP! Or someone else that would see these crimes such as a coroner...Someone's just as paranoid as the OP.

U see someone behind you and immediately think rape??

happygoluckyhh 0

Your such a ******* idiot. Other people can be in the park jogging, too. Your such a joke to the human race, bitch!

heyyou1203 0

#74, well, as I and many others have stated, the majority of rapes don't get reported to cops, and (thankfully) most rapes don't end in death, so a coroner DEF wouldn't know as much. And the reason I didn't assume he was a cop is b/c a cop would know what a dumb comment that was: how attractive a person is has NOTHING to do with their getting raped. If that were true all super models would be constant victims of rape and ugly or normal-looking women would never be, when in fact it's quite the opposite. Someone's just as dumb and ignorant as 1/2 the people posting on this site :-p and #66, I never said flailing your arms about was the best decision. I was merely trying to defend the fact that it's not overreacting to think a creepy, fast approaching shadow in a presumably wooded area could be an attacker. I agree she should have at least looked to see who it was. However, one of the tips we do learn is that if you scream because you're being raped, you yell "Fire" instead of "help" or "rape" because unless it affects the people around you, no one will care to help you. Case in point, Kitty Genovese.

BulldogQB4 0

Just because you're a woman doesn't mean you're going to get raped. Damn, please do not show up in Chicago you will have a heart attack. Btw, in the suburbs we're used to little girls screaming so you might want to scream something of use such as "rape". "Help" doesn't work because all the little kids scream it during water balloon fights. Anywho, you'll learn this if you have a brain, the world ain't out to get you.

breedizzles 0

HAHAHAHAH i get paranoid like that at night too, so i understand where you're coming from =P but i carry pepper spray, so i have to keep my overreacting to a minimum XD

unluckydavid 0

Yes, because everyone expects an attack at the park.

oh my god, a shadow of a man!!!!! RAPIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dumbfuck ****

The best thing about being paranoid is u'll always feel wanted :O

couldnt u just look behind you and see that its a normal person just jogging