
By paranoid - 06/06/2009 04:43 - United States

Today, I was walking on a path through a park by myself. I glanced at the ground and saw a shadow behind me. Thinking of an attacker, I screamed as loud as I could and began flailing my arms to ward him off. Turns out, it was a jogger. He had to stop due to his uncontrollable laughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 691
You deserved it 55 066

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What the hell is with all the paranoid women? If theres a shadow behind you it doesnt automatically mean that youre about to get raped.

Who the hell waves their arms to ward off an attacker? Are you dealing with a raccoon or a mugger here?


coffeennicotine 0

Oh please. You're pathetic. And flailing your arms is hardly going to "ward off" any attacker. Loser.

coffeennicotine 0

Women are afraid of attackers because they get attacked by them. Sexist pigs, you're probably the attackers. But really, acting like a dumbass isn't going to save anyone. The more scared you are the more danger you're in.

konstantdreamer8 0

why would you immediately assume someone behind you is an attacker?

Okay, I dunno where this person is, but at the public park where I live, 6 women have been attacked in the past year. And I live in the suburbs, not the city. It's not an uncommon thing to be attacked in a park, so I definitely wouldn't call the OP "stupid" for what they did. They were just worried about themselves. Assuming it was a girl, then they have every reason to be paranoid if they're walking on a park path alone. Things can happen.

Did you think the attacker was a small puppy? What kind of human would be alarmed by a spaz flailing her arms around?

Talia070 0

What a ******* douchewaffle. Yr retarded.

#77 Why is it not over the top to assume someone in a PARK is automatically going to rape you? As others have said, this is a public place, and maybe she was even walking on a jogging trail! If he was a "real" rapist he wouldn't have been that obvious about it. And through all your statistics you forget to mention that it's more likely the woman will be killed if she makes a fuss. So this woman screaming and flailing her arms around would have made things worse for her. Not only that, but she didn't EVEN ******* TURN AROUND AND LOOK. That's the part that really gets me pissed. Maybe you should look at who's coming before freaking the **** out? Should women be aware of their surroundings? Yes, of course. But this woman (and you it sounds like) is far past being "aware" and "cautious" and way too far into the realm of "******* paranoid". This shit needs to stop. I can't count the number of times I'll be walking downtown and have women walking alone just run away from me because I /must/ be a rapist. It's stupid and unnecessary.

okay, I dont care about the shit you all are talking about, all I know is that is Hi-larious

My mom told me though that girls/women walking around at night should carry pepperspray