
By paranoid - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was walking on a path through a park by myself. I glanced at the ground and saw a shadow behind me. Thinking of an attacker, I screamed as loud as I could and began flailing my arms to ward him off. Turns out, it was a jogger. He had to stop due to his uncontrollable laughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 833
You deserved it 55 449

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What the hell is with all the paranoid women? If theres a shadow behind you it doesnt automatically mean that youre about to get raped.

Who the hell waves their arms to ward off an attacker? Are you dealing with a raccoon or a mugger here?


hcraes123 0

Why didn't you turn around and look??? ydi for being so paranoid...

_cheeseballs 0

Everyones going "omg you're not that hot" "women don't think your so special" but the point is, the media create such a hype over things like this. It's understandable to be paranoid. Especially if you know someone in your area is commiting such crimes, for example; my area. There's currently a serial rapist on the loose. Now, i'm not saying that I walk in the street and worry so much but there are others that do. I completely have to agree with what number #15 has said. Us women do get it drilled into our heads at a young age. So there really is no point of throwing abuse at this person for it. Clearly they found it hilarious after or funny enough to put on this website? They put it on for the laughs, not for the abuse. -_-'

im just glad this girl wasn't carrying mace or pepper spray like some of the extra crazy spaz paranoid bitches these days. I hate all the people that just think the world is such a bad place, every shadow is a rapist and every twig cracking is a man about to rob you, calm the **** down and enjoy life. its easier for me because im a big guy and a lot less vulnerable than small girls, but still, calm the **** down. chances are, you will not get raped, you will not get mugged, and there is a certainty that you are a complete idiot for both screaming and "flailing" your arms around. i hope somehow this gets on youtube so i can berate you for being a fucktard in another medium.

heyyou1203 0

#35, How would you know what kind of women rapists go for? Are you a rapist? Do you know one? Rape is a crime of violence, the need for domination, and cowardice, NOT sexual attraction. And I'll agree with #43, paranoia is not the best way to go because yea, it can in fact lower your self-confidence and make you vulnerable. There is a fine line between awareness and paranoia. But men claim that women are paranoid WAY too often because they don't have to live it every day. However, even if women are paranoid it's not unwarranted. Rape is much more common that people think, than people WANT to think. And that's just reported rape, not accounting for the fact that the majority of rapes are unreported, acquaintance rapes, victims who are too scared to tell anyone because they feel that it's their fault, that they did something wrong. It's estimated that 1 in 4 women in the US will be raped in their lifetime. So yea, we have a right to be paranoid. We do need to learn how to control it and not let it control our lives, but that doesn't make it go away. The reason why rape keeps happening is because of ignorant people (like some of the posters here) who think women are just stupid and we think so highly of ourselves. Stop thinking so highly of YOURself that you think you know everything.

stryker0530 0

Your a pussy grow up u freakin loser

UnearthlyEnemy 9

Actually, she DOES have a 'pussy'.

e11e 0

Actually, #15 is right. While all of those tips may seem over the top, it just stresses how much you should just BE AWARE. Rape happens more often than you think. The OP did overreact. I just wish FML commentors weren't all so ignorant.

stryker0530 0

That's why you bitches need men.

Blue_Coconuts 7

Statistically.. 1 in 6 women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. 1 in 33 men will also be sexually assaulted. 60% of assaults are not reported. 73% know their attackers. The most common scenario of "sexual assault" is this:.. Girl invites guy to her house. Girl and Guy drink some drinks, getting a little buzzed. Girl starts kissing guy, and making out occurs. Girl says stop, and guy stops. Then girl starts it up again, and takes off guys shirt. Guy takes off her shirt, and girl says stop. Guy stops. Girl starts it up again, and sex starts. Girl whispers stop right before it happens, and guy doesn't pay attention, because she's been doing it, but then starting it up again. Girl just lays there, and then doesn't do anything. Then girl says she was rape. Yes, that is technically rape, because she says stop. But there are a lot of grey area's. This is also exactly why rape statistics are so high... Or girls go and get drunk, and screw some guy... 50% of reported rapes are dismissed right away, because girls don't forget that regret doesn't equal rape... Long story short, calm down not every guy is going to rape you randomly. It's more likely a friend that you take further, and at the last minute decide you don't want it.