Free money glitch

By Anonymous - 22/03/2009 01:41 - United States

Today, I went to withdraw 200 dollars. At the ATM, I noticed a suspicious man standing really close to me. I was nervous about entering my pin number, and worried he was looking at my account information. In my panic, I got all the way home before realizing that I'd left the cash in the machine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 596
You deserved it 83 449

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. Guess it worked out for him. I don't see how you could get so nervous about something.. you completely forget it. Either way, FYL.

lol mayb that was his plan, to freak you out into forgetting your money


lol @ everybody who thinks the OP is racist because THEY assumed the man was black. Check yourselves.

that sucks, but if you were that uncomfortable either go inside and deal with a teller or not withdraw money at all. You can always come back later...

hahaha ive done that many times but with less money xx

try_for_me_love 0
Banthestrandland 0

Today, I was in a hurry to use the ATM. The woman in front of me had been looking at me suspiciously, and when her money came out she suddenly ran off. Without the money. **** YEAH

68 is as hilarious the main thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

technobutterfly 0

Learn self-defense, genius.

musicninja 0

Wow. The acronym PIN stands for personal identification number. This means you referred to it as a personal identification number number. Try learning some English.