Fresh and not Fit

By Anonymous - 14/06/2011 01:08 - United States

Today, I ran out of breath while mowing the lawn. I was on a riding lawn mower. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 817
You deserved it 54 644

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"gotta work out my muscles with my steering wheel" -pants-


OP could always have a breathing problem.

if op had a health issue I don't think he would've posted on fml.

Explain. People with health problems are now banned from FML?This site is open to all, as far as I know, and health problems don't usually restrict your ability to go on websites and use your fingers to type.

jellybelliez 0

u shood stop eatin mcdonalds..

I love how a lot of u assume op's fat. op could have a medical condition. think about it.

Pretty sure being tubby IS a medical condition... Think about it.

Hey, dumbass, he was referring to health problems which, for instance, restrict breathing.

it's not Americas fault that people choose to be fat and lazy. every country has fat people that are lazy and eat mc donalds like 4 times a day.

SmallTownCutie 0

^ thank you! I'm so tired of all of the America hate- not everyone is overweight. In Asia, most women who have gone through menopause are overweight. In fact, the more I think about it, the majority of overweight people are either mothers who have born many children, older people, and people who were raised by overweight people. hmmm.

If its a medical condition that isn't obesity then the OP would have said so, I imagine.