Funny to him

By Binkplugged - 05/07/2016 18:01

Today, I woke up to my husband chuckling. When I asked him what was so funny. He told me that during the night I attempted to shove one of the kids' pacifiers in his mouth. I don't remember this, at all. He thinks it's hysterical. I'm not sure what to think. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 957
You deserved it 1 869

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pacifiers for everyone! Tonight maybe you'll unconsciously mutter "Here comes the airplane!" and try to feed your husband with an empty hand.


You were just dreaming of taking care of your baby xD Don't let it get to you, OP. People act out their dreams in their sleep all the time.

yeah like when I'm dreaming I'm right on the edge and wake-up mid-O... so I just finish up and return to slumber

This is hysterical. I would've laughed right along with him.

bobsanction 18

Maybe subconsciously you want revenge for all those times he tried to stick HIS thing in your mouth...

"Honey, what are you doing awake in the middle of the night?" *Incoherent mumbles while shoving the pacifier in the baby's mouth* "What are you doing to the baby?" "YOU GON LEARN TODAY, WHO'S THE BOSS OF THE HOUSE!" *Furiously shoving the pacifier now* "Oh my this is hilarious, gotta film it to put it on AFV!"

I think most of us assumed that "his" was referring to the husband's mouth, not the child's. But this is an amusing interpretation. Now that I look back, I realize that the pronoun is ambiguous enough that you really can read it either way.

24, you're right about the pronoun being ambiguous, but based on the context OP should be referring to her husband's mouth. Besides, had she been aggressively shoving the pacifier in her baby's mouth, I'm sure the baby would have cried and woken her up. Father probably would not find a crying baby amusing either.

Yeah I'm pretty sure I read it wrong, whoops I'm an idiot. Lmao

readingrachel 9

At least he thought it was funny

Maybe he was snoring and you we're just trying to shut him up.