Get away from me

By OhLovely - 01/11/2012 01:39 - Canada - Mississauga

Today, I found out that my over-controlling parents would be moving in next door. I'm almost 23, and moved 5,365 km away to get away from them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 176
You deserved it 1 944

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I can tell you really wanted to get away from them because you counted the exact number of kilometres.


Enjoy their company. They won't always be there

TheyCallMeDamien 17

They feel lost without their favorite management project.

jarockstar27 10

Um if i were you OP I would move an then not give them your address. Thats just wrong when parents are stalking you....

megamandude455 10
skyeyez9 24

Invest in good locks, window blinds, and maybe in a privacy fence with a lock on the front gate. Don't ever give them your house key. Or leave them where they could sneak off with it and make themselves a copy. Maybe even a restraining order if they get too bad. I have seen some homes in my neighborhood that have a locking gate on their front porch so people cant knock on their doors and pester them.

noisebox 1

Better move again or you will certified shortly....

Wow! How did they manage to move in next door? New apartment building with lots of rooms for rent? I was imagining you were living in an actual house, and they bought the home next door. But that sounds unlikely. I'm just impressed that they were lucky enough to find something for rent next door to you, from--another country it seems. Because it's half that distance to BC. Did you move to England? If so, I have to admit, I'm impressed with your parents!

I'd say move again and leave no forwarding address. Call once in a while from a prepaid cell.

ruthlessmofo 0

See above, your question's already been answered. Or look it up.

thank you for using KM instead of that weird American system

You realize that it is the English system, right?