Get in there!
By Menareidiots - 24/02/2009 23:32 - United States
By Menareidiots - 24/02/2009 23:32 - United States
By Noname - 11/03/2009 07:37 - United States
By Anonymous - 15/11/2016 09:20
By armtits and big pits - 05/04/2014 07:14 - United States - Cape Coral
By wastedlove - 23/06/2009 15:14 - United States
By someoneelsessaliva - 05/06/2010 06:59 - Australia
By traumatized house keeper - 08/09/2017 13:00 - Germany - Munster
By Anonymous - 02/01/2013 19:02 - Canada - Belle River
By Jack - 26/10/2009 06:32 - United States
By Phoellie - 28/08/2009 11:43 - United Kingdom
By Eeeek - 26/08/2010 21:17 - Bulgaria
LOL! I'd probably do that to… :b
Ahahahaha awesome man high five 2 you
haha i'd love to agree and say guys are clueless #3 but i can't ...they're clueless as to how a girl's gonna take the stupid high-five lol so they're clueless to FEELINGS. of course, that's nothing new. he probably just didn't care about them though so ugh congrats on this btw. really, just laugh it off haha cuz it seriously is hilarious
Hahahahahahahah I love boys. If a guy did this while we were making out, I would totally expect a high five as well :D
lol #78, how do you know I didn't mean that? x) You just said you can't agree they're clueless, but that they are... haha, just saying. They just don't always realize how doing something like that would make a girl react. They probably don't even see why it would startle her or make her feel weird, or slightly used, or whatever she felt that caused her to post this scenario on FML. It's hard to explain lol... And this reminds me of a HILARIOUS FAILBlog picture I saw a while ago...
"So they high-fived." HAHA. Wow, guys are so clueless.
he's my hero