Get in there!

By Menareidiots - 24/02/2009 23:32 - United States

Today, my guy friend and I were in his dorm room watching a movie when he started kissing me. Things heated up so we moved things over to his bed. He was on me when a hand shoots down from his top bunk. His roommate had been up there the whole time and he wanted a high-five. So they high-fived. FML
I agree, your life sucks 90 818
You deserved it 22 724

Same thing different taste


You should be flattered. Also, that dude and his roommate ******* rule.

Just because they're comfortable with their sex life doesn't mean they were degrading you. I would've probably done the same, as the guy on top of the bunk or as the guy on top of you. But since he's your friend, and if you think he's a good person, someone that comfortable will usually know how to satisfy you... enjoy the good times! Also, I agree. You should've joined in on the epic high five. ;)

Actually something like that has happened to me and the guy was like "nice one" and my friend said " I know" and kissed me again so if I was you I would take it as a compliment although it sucks that he was watching and you didn't notice, at least he thought his friend did something good by kissing you So I give you a high five :]

i am crying right now. that is the funniest shit ever.

username112232 0

Be proud it means you're a catch. Girls are dumb... I'd be wicked proud if i was about to have sex and the girl high fived her roommate. Id also high five my roommate anytime i caught him about to get laid, except if she was nasty.

missmoo1214 0

#38!! haha omg best FML i read all day!

doomfromheaven 0

Hahahaha. "High-Five, Dude!" "Yeah, be banging down here." Awesome.

gdub 0

high five!!!! hahaha his roomate must be proud!!! hahahaha