Get me out

By bosslady12 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I realized that I needed a new job when I had to take anti-anxiety medication before meeting with my boss. Last time we met, I had a panic attack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 390
You deserved it 3 369

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The whole world is getting crazy stressful!

perdix 29

It's not her, it's you. Any boss is going to cause you to have panic attacks. This is why you should go into work drunk or high. You should alternate your alcohol and your weed so you don't get addicted to either. Plus, it'll be more fun for your co-workers to tell which "medication" you are on.


Pretty sure I used to work there. Just please find a new job before hospitalization is required!

just something about this time of year that's stressful

You just need to learn how to deal with higher authority confrontation. Reality check: you're going to have a boss in your next job.

chengy4191 7

Or u could just calm the f*** down and relax -_-

Just do what I do - wear a very low cut shirt and let him look. My boss loves me!

Why be stressed about meeting with your boss? Just have some intestinal fortitude and do your job!

Getting a new job probably wouldnt help. You are probably having a psychological issue with authority. The best way to cure this is to not run away from it, but confront it and beat your anxiety. A few sessions with a psychologist might be good as they can teach you ways to deal with this anxiety

Just breathe in, and breathe out. You're making a simple thing look bigger than it is, and this is what is causing your anxiety.