Get me out

By bosslady12 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I realized that I needed a new job when I had to take anti-anxiety medication before meeting with my boss. Last time we met, I had a panic attack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 390
You deserved it 3 369

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The whole world is getting crazy stressful!

perdix 29

It's not her, it's you. Any boss is going to cause you to have panic attacks. This is why you should go into work drunk or high. You should alternate your alcohol and your weed so you don't get addicted to either. Plus, it'll be more fun for your co-workers to tell which "medication" you are on.


paisley0308 4

I have severe panic disorder, and I can totally relate to the OP...and now that the doctors have decided to discontinue the medicines that were helping me, I feel violated :(. You never know what will trigger the next attack. All I can say to OP is to try something called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. It's supposed to help people like us to take control over the disorder rather than it having control over us.

rudikk99 2

U r an idiot if u never know what triggers PA. It is a list of things .. So just take some time and figure it out

Do we work together... I totally relate I have the same problem

rudikk99 2

I have panic attack every time I write a code or debug it. Not to mention panic attack while my hubby disappoint me ( every time) =[

revolutionheart 3

I can relate! Is he Korean, too?