Get me out

By bosslady12 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I realized that I needed a new job when I had to take anti-anxiety medication before meeting with my boss. Last time we met, I had a panic attack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 390
You deserved it 3 369

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The whole world is getting crazy stressful!

perdix 29

It's not her, it's you. Any boss is going to cause you to have panic attacks. This is why you should go into work drunk or high. You should alternate your alcohol and your weed so you don't get addicted to either. Plus, it'll be more fun for your co-workers to tell which "medication" you are on.


I could not imagine letting fear rule my life so much. Good luck with that...

Awwwww :( that's no good! I think it is for the best to get a new job or possibly talk to your boss about it (: ....with someone by your side in case of anything!

danielvb420 2

Yeah, don't talk to your boss about it because if he/she's even the tiniest bit sadistic, he/she will take your fear and run with it. Things will get much worse.

h0tr0d43 2

no, you just need to grow a pair and stop being scared of your boss

If your boss scares you, consider changing jobs. A scared person is an unhappy person. You wouldn't want to be unhappy, would you?

hateevryone 14

what kind of boss do you have?