Get me out

By bosslady12 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I realized that I needed a new job when I had to take anti-anxiety medication before meeting with my boss. Last time we met, I had a panic attack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 390
You deserved it 3 369

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The whole world is getting crazy stressful!

perdix 29

It's not her, it's you. Any boss is going to cause you to have panic attacks. This is why you should go into work drunk or high. You should alternate your alcohol and your weed so you don't get addicted to either. Plus, it'll be more fun for your co-workers to tell which "medication" you are on.


maybe you just need to grow some balls?

Thats how I won my lawsuit for stress, panic attack made me end up in the hospital... Now If I were to see that b!tch I would do something to her

No, you don't need a new job.. You need to grow a backbone..

Um, do you have any idea what a panic attack is and how it affects someone? They can't just "grow some balls" and magically get over their anxiety.

paisley0308 4

Thank you so much for posting that. So many people, ESPECIALLY the doctors that treat the disorder who have obviously never had a panic disorder, think it is really easy to control, and it's not. The attacks come from out of the blue usually. There's obviously a lot of ignorance on the subject.

I remember the good ole days when anxiety was the exception, not the norm..

God, I would love to have that kind of power

This happened to me yesterday when I put my two weeks in

helpme37 0

I know the feeling been there done that