Get outta here

By JMcKay - 26/01/2012 03:36 - Australia

Today, I found out that if a jock calls you a nerd in the street and you retaliate with a witty comeback, be prepared to run. Fast. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 096
You deserved it 6 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BeaterOfTheDrums 15

Stand your ground. Everyone knows a jock can't see you if you don't move.

So you then joined the track team, had brains and bronze, and stole the head cheerleader from him? Like a boss?


Really? You would rather get your ass kicked than run?

jaredjudd21 2

He's gonna end up being your bitch in the future, brains always outwit brawns.

chenry1 4

Unless he makes to the pros then he'll probably be the jocks towel or water bitch

chels1994 11

Reminds me of something off of tv

Yo hit me up on xbox live id love to school u UnWantedLead If u do add me send me a message FML

a comeback is a erect finger??? i guess...

these stereotypes still exist? jeez it isn't 1985 anymore.

juturnaamo 29

I was thinking that too. Maybe by 'nerd' he means 'weird, possibly autistic' kid and by jock he means 'jack ass bully that somehow got on a sports team.'

Weird cause we don't use "jock" in Australia. At least I thought we didn't.

Nerd still means a smart person, but in a more insulting way. People don't really say jock but it got the point across.

I guess it's why shows like Bully Beatdown still exist. |the kid|

that's a compliment. being a nerd is awesome!

Well it appears you have what the jock doesn't- wit! Embrace it and tell him to stop parading as a bimbo!!!