Good boy

By Anonymous - 17/02/2013 06:01 - United States - New Bloomfield

Today, I was riding my bike, when I saw a large dog sitting in front of a house. I started to really crank the pedals, figuring that by the time it saw me, I'd be long gone. My chain popped off, I lost control and crashed onto the side of the road. The dog hadn't moved. It was a statue. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 434
You deserved it 21 061

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He saw a human and acted like a statue so he wouldn't be disturbed! Clever boy!:D

Because every dog that isn't a statue will attack people...


I know not all dogs are aggressive and ferocious, yet I am scared of dogs, so is my little brother, this due to the fact of when we were children, he got bitten by a crossbred. He had a really thick coat on, so he was fine, but yeah it traumatized us. Sucks for your fear OP! Hope you're okay.

Scarecrows deter birds. Scarepersons ward off pedestrians and cyclists.

myklknife 6

Why are you afraid of a dog anyway. That's crazy.

jerro95 1

Something simmilar happened to me once. I was running to my house and I saw a twig on the ground and for a split second my subconscious mind interpreted it as being a snake and I completely stop and spazz out as in stop where i was put my arms in front of my chest and jump with one leg up in the air. Then I realized I freaked out over a twig.

You shouldn't just assume that a large dog is going to be aggressive. YDI

I get that you shouldn't stereotype the big dogs, it does bother me when people act like certain breeds are always dangerous. That said, I feel like if you don't know (because some big dogs are still going to be aggressive, just not all), it would often be safest to assume the worst. In a situation like this, where you aren't interacting with the dog at all. Also, OP may have had a phobia of dogs. I've known people with it before. Even if it's a smaller dog or one that couldn't easily attack them, it can still scare them, and the larger or more unrestrained the dog is the worse it gets.

Isa_fml 20

This sounds like something I would do.

RicanGata91 7

Next time u really see a dog it's actually best to calmly get away,if u run away or speed pedal away they will take it as a sign of threat

Fake guard dogs. Doing their job ever since they got out if their mold !