Good boy

By Anonymous - 17/02/2013 06:01 - United States - New Bloomfield

Today, I was riding my bike, when I saw a large dog sitting in front of a house. I started to really crank the pedals, figuring that by the time it saw me, I'd be long gone. My chain popped off, I lost control and crashed onto the side of the road. The dog hadn't moved. It was a statue. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 434
You deserved it 21 061

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He saw a human and acted like a statue so he wouldn't be disturbed! Clever boy!:D

Because every dog that isn't a statue will attack people...


New bike? Mine used to do that all the time

doglover100 28

They will go after you if you run.

randybryant799 20

Why were you assuming the dog was going to bother you?