Good to know

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Canada - Mississauga

Today, I went on Facebook. The third post down was a selfie of my mom looking sad, with the caption, "God I need a good dicking." FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 071
You deserved it 14 158

Top comments

Corvo_Attano_4 12
Hpixiee 23

Sounds like time to unfriend your own mother


That's actually what I was thinking, what other possible typo could it be if it was one lol

In my opinion, I think if I DID have a Facebook or suddenly found my mom on any social networking site, I'd do my best not to add her. It's surprising how parents can forget that their children can see everything they post.

So... why are so many people voting YDI? How does OP deserve it? For going on Facebook? For having a provocative mother?