By dogs_and_toucans - 08/06/2009 18:47 - United States
By dogs_and_toucans - 08/06/2009 18:47 - United States
By cdick - 11/03/2009 20:46 - United States
By Anonymous - 10/06/2016 01:08
By Nickolas Neffster - 05/10/2011 00:14 - United States
By Henji - 10/12/2009 22:21 - United States
By MexyBoy - 13/08/2009 05:23 - United States
By Anonymous - 05/10/2014 17:29 - United States - Kent
By Anonymous - 09/05/2013 19:12 - Norway - Oslo
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States
By Anonymous - 24/09/2009 04:52 - United States
By Anonymous - 26/08/2010 09:16 - Canada
Perhaps she didn't realize she'd be receiving a gift, felt bad about getting you nothing, and made an attempt to produce the only thing she had with her. And, you know the old saying - It's the thought that counts ;D Or, I could be completely wrong, and she's just a bitch, and in which case I apologize for her suckishness fully.
Wow. I love how all these people are saying that you should dump her and that you're an idiot for giving her something so expensive. If any of you have ever been in a long-distance relationship, then you know that you just want the person to remember something nice about you. And, he obviously really loved her to even think that far ahead. The girl isn't nessicarily a loser either because I know that when I left, I was too worried about packing and crying over how much I am going to miss everyone to remember a going-away gift. good luck and I hope you find someone to take her place. =)
#38: I really hope you're joking. Otherwise, you're a douchebag. Just saying. You're essentially saying "If you REALLY loved her, you would have spent even more of your hard earned money for something that looks exactly the same as what you bought for $200! It's not about what the gift is, it's about how much you spent on it!"
#38: I really hope you're joking, You essentially said "Well, if you REALLY loved her, you would have spent even more of your hard earned money on something that looks exactly the same! The only difference is that it cost more, and the more money you spend, the more you love her!"
u should slap her in the face with your dick
what #65 said.
Why would you buy her something expensive if you might not see her ever again? YDI
haha thats why when you see someone for the last time you flip them off