
By dogs_and_toucans - 08/06/2009 18:47 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of 10 months moved to Europe and we may never see each other again, so I gave her a $200 sterling silver heart necklace as a goodbye present. She gave me a pack of gum. Cinnamon, which I'm allergic to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 717
You deserved it 6 811

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you buy her something expensive if you might not see her ever again? YDI

haha thats why when you see someone for the last time you flip them off


oh shut it #12 it's just a bad stereotype. when i had my last boyfriend in our one year anniversary i got him an engraved metal half heart keychain, a videogame and a knitted penguin that i knitted myself because he loved penguins, and he got me a cheap little $20 chain when i kept telling him over the year that i hate jewelry, i happily accepted it though and didn't complain because it's rude to complain about gifts and because not all stereotypes are true

isolate7690 1

i met a kid today that i will only see that one time. i gave him my house, car, and social security number. he gave me a hug. fml

pippymiskers 4

shes a keeper, but she moved, so... that figure of speech doesnt really work here...

pippymiskers 4

13 thats a baby movie ur just too embarrassed to admit it so you put "i cant remember which movie that was from DUHRRRR" lol

tonia_fml 0

maybe she knows you're allergic and she knew that you wouldn't chew it, so she might of hoped that you'd keep it and every time you'd see it you'd think of her.

basically if it was the other way around, there would be a lot more bad comments. i guess girls expect to get and not to give...except to themselves.

pippymiskers 4

she probably didn't have a gift in mind because shes smart. so she just grabbed whatever was in her purse quick so she could return the favor. she might have forgotten you were allergic to cinnamon and once she realized she gave you a really crappy gift she felt terrible. but ydi.

On the bright side, this small act of incompetence will rid the fondness of her from your mind quicker. 10 months is kinda long, but not in the grand scheme of things.

That sucks, but still, ydi - especially if you're probably never going to see her again.

cheech19 1

nice present but ur girlfriend now shes a bitch